Khul Ke, India’s homegrown social media platform launched by Loktantra Mediatech Pvt. Ltd. The platform brings forth powerful voices from across the country to share their thoughts on relevant issues and topics impacting the nation or share stories of their remarkable personal achievements in the face of adversity. The legal maxim “Justice delayed is justice…
Five organs were harvested and donated to multiple hospitals to save several lives Faith in humanity was restored by the family in showing immense courage and strength in donating the organs Marengo CIMS Hospital expresses its heartfelt gratitude to the family who opted for the noble act of organ donation In an exemplary heroic and…
Grant Thornton Bharat led the recently concluded sale of C3M, an emerging multi-cloud cybersecurity firm, to CyberArk, a NASDAQ listed global leader in Identity Security. Grant Thornton Bharat was the exclusive advisor to the shareholders of C3M. Founded in 2018, C3M developed a cloud security management software that has been used by global enterprises across financial services,…
New Location Expands Talent in Asia Pacific Region HYDERABAD, India, Aug. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT), a global communications company, today announced the opening of its new office in Hyderabad, India. This new location advances Viasat’s continued globalization efforts and expands its presence in India to continue to leverage key engineering and…
BENGALURU, India, Aug. 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Nanoprecise Sci Corp – the world’s leading Predictive Maintenance Solutions Provider, has launched a new product: NrgMonitorTM, to help manufacturers & operators track their energy efficiency and carbon footprint along with condition monitoring of motor-driven equipment. This revolutionary product is a Sensor Agnostic Energy Efficiency & Condition Monitoring Platform…
The research led by IPSOS highlights marked changes in purchase behaviour with the advent and proliferation of premium liquor stores The International Spirits and Wines Association of India (ISWAI) recently commissioned global research agency IPSOS to conduct a market survey to assess shopper experience and perceptions at high-end premium liquor stores. The survey gleaned interesting insights…
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of IMS Law College Noida, in association with IMS Nayi Pahal society conducted a plantation drive and green awareness campaign. The goal was to create a good and green and healthy atmosphere for everyone while also raising awareness of the importance of environmental issues worldwide. During the plantation drive, students…
Mylo’s Survey this World Breastfeeding Week Almost 50% of mothers cite low milk supply poses breastfeeding difficulties Only 7% consult a lactation consultant 55% of mothers mentioned their baby’s hunger is not satisfied exclusively with breastmilk One-fourth of mothers report not having access to milk banks where they live Around 40% of nursing mothers use…
Event to celebrate excellence & train focus on future of events space The Event & Entertainment Management Association (EEMA) – an autonomous and non-profit registered body of more than 500 companies, institutions and professionals operating in the events and experiential marketing industry in India – will be hosting its annual awards weekend on August 5, 6…
Saw 40% bookings from West India, 31% from South, 26% from North and 4% from East India for August’s long weekend vacation trips SanKash, India’s only travel fintech brand that facilitates online and offline travel operators to provide innovative payment plans to their customers, today revealed latest data on travel trends for long weekends. Over…
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