Parineeti Chopra-backed personal care startup Clensta has said that in the last eight months since the actor-turned-entrepreneur has come on board, it has achieved an ARR (Annual Run Rate) of INR 100 crore and is now poised to grow to an INR 1000cr ARR in the next three years. Burgeoned by a 300% growth in…
TalentNomics India, in partnership with KAS-Japan, is proud to announce the successful organization of its inaugural roundtable discussion focused on “Building Inclusive Urban Spaces for Women in South Asia.” Held at India International Centre, New Delhi, on Wednesday, the day-long event brought together a diverse array of stakeholders to zero in on crucial issues and…
Dr. Kavya Enters India Book of Records for Remarkable Feat Dr. Kavya Dendukuri, a trailblazer in the medical field, becomes the youngest individual to achieve a Post Doctoral Fellowship in liver diseases at the age of 31 years and 9 months. Her exceptional feat has earned her a prestigious place in the India Book of…
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