Anderson University, renowned as an Apple Distinguished University, is thrilled to announce an exclusive spot admissions opportunity for students in Hyderabad. This event is scheduled for Thursday, October 5th, and welcomes students from diverse academic backgrounds, including Management, IT, and Engineering. Interested candidates are invited to register or inquire for more details by reaching out…
ROBIN dashboard is demonstrating that doctors are not only embracing analytics but making it a seamless part of their practice ~ HealthPlix Technologies, India's largest EMR platform for doctors, announced the positive impact of its ROBIN dashboard on over 4900+ individual doctor clinics in 300+ cities across 16 specialties. ROBIN is a one-of-a-kind dashboard…
· Tata AIG Elder Care offers coverages related to in-patient treatment, day care procedures, High end diagnostics, Home Nursing Services, home physiotherapy, compassionate Care and host of wellness services. · Tata AIG Elder Care also provides home assessment and modification benefit which is required to use wheelchair/ambulatory support to suit mobility needs for elderly care/disability. Tata AIG…
The airline to operate 35 return flights per week between India and Vietnam Vietjet on September 27 has officially introduced a direct route between Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Tiruchirappalli (India) which will start flying on November 02, 2023, with three return flights per week initially. Accordingly, flights depart from Tiruchirappalli at 00:30…
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