Day: May 11, 2023

Amit Shah, a leader who understands Rabindranath Tagore’s philosophy in depth

A true disciple of Rabindranath Tagore and a firm believer of Gurudev’s philosophy on various aspects including education and politics, Home Minister Amit Shah sees Rabindranath as his guiding light.  Shah, a voracious Rabindranath reader, is particularly attracted to Gurudev’s free thought for politics, social life, art, and patriotism is unlike the kind of narrow-mindedness…

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Hero Wins Heart and Gold at IPRCCA-23

Hero Realty’s advocacy campaign targeting World Peace, ‘Yeh Diwali World Record Wali’ was considered as best advocacy campaign in the country and awarded Gold in the IPRCCA 2023 organised by Exchange4Media. With this, the campaign has received one more feather to its coveted hat which already has Guinness Book of World Records to its name….

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