Day: February 8, 2023

Multilingualism in the classroom drives benefits beyond learning – Findings from Macmillan Education India Report

NEW DELHI, Feb. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The beauty of educational institutions lies in their heterogeneity – when one steps into a school or college campus, they overhear conversations in multiple languages. If this is the scene on the campus, why then the insistence on learning only in English in the classroom? With NEP 2020 focusing…

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Steelbird Helmets Ventures into “Baby Toys”

Launches state of the art Baby Walkers and Carriers with extra safety features Asia's largest helmet manufacturer, Steelbird Hi-tech India, has made a foray into the baby toy segment by launching a premium line of baby walkers and carriers. The company is targeting the rapidly growing baby Toys segment. The Company has earmarked an investment of…

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