Day: December 17, 2022

Chennai-Based MSME, ST Advanced Composites Makes Overall Structure of UAE’s First Lunar Mission – Rashid Rover

Demonstrating its expertise in R&D and manufacturing of advanced materials, STAC, a Chennai based MSME, won the contract to make the structural parts of UAE’s first lunar Mission   When Rashid Rover “the first-ever rover of United Arab Emirates” put its legs on the surface of the moon in a matter of hours after emerging…

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Upaj by Absolute is solving the ‘unseasonal rainfall’ loss for farmers with a first-of-its-kind, DIY Insurance Marketplace in collaboration with DigiSafe

NEW DELHI, Dec. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Unexpected rainfall in various states has harmed the ready-for-harvesting crops such as rice, soya bean, cotton, pulses, and vegetables at a time when India is facing a likely food grain shortfall due to decreased sowing of Kharif crops, particularly paddy. Additionally, unseasonal rain is likely to cause damage to…

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