Mahadharna held with demand for immediate caste census implementation On Saturday, a massive protest titled “Meyemtho – Maakante” was held in Anantapuram by Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) and the BC Coordination Committee, demanding immediate implementation of a comprehensive caste census. During this protest, BC leaders raised serious concerns about the government's neglect of caste enumeration…
Structured Mentorship and Upskilling to Help Women Reclaim Their Professional Trajectories The Mahindra Group is proud to announce the launch of “SOAR: Seamless Opportunity for Amazing Returnships,” a pioneering program designed to create full-time, meaningful career opportunities for women professionals who have taken a career break and are now ready to resume their…
IIFL Finance Limited (“IIFL”) has successfully raised USD 325 million through a Fixed Rate Senior Secured Bond, priced at a competitive coupon rate of 8.75% with a door-to-door tenor of 3.5 years. This issuance marks IIFL’s significant re-entry into the international bond markets after its debut offering in February 2020, further diversifying its borrowing profile. The…
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