Day: May 22, 2023

The Future of Healthcare Financing: How Medfin is Disrupting Traditional Models

Business Wire India 55 Million Indians were forced into poverty due to the costs of medical care (according to a study from the Public Health Foundation of India). Access to affordable healthcare is a fundamental need for everyone, but unfortunately, it remains a struggle for a significant portion of the population in India. This struggle…

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Eternal Hospital Performs Successful Angioplasty with Orbital Atherectomy Technique for Calcified Blockage in Heart

Business Wire IndiaFor the first time in the country, such a technique of angioplasty was used in the calcified blockage of the artery of the heart, in which the blockage was cleaned with a drill moving like the axis of the solar system (orbital atherectomy) and a stent was placed. The country's first orbital atherectomy…

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Indian Biogas Association and GCCI signs an MoU to promote Gai Aadharit Unnati and Udyog Concept

The Indian Biogas Association and Global Confederation of Cow Based Industries (GCCI) today entered into a MoU to work together for the welfare and management of cows, as well as promoting cow entrepreneurship nationally through GCCI member Gaushalas and entrepreneurs and ensuring that GAU Dhan reaches every household. The MoU is undertaken to provide for…

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