Day: April 22, 2023

Top 5 smartphones with stunning design and performance under 15K

Purchasing a smartphone is a decision that depends on numerous important factors such as design, features and budget. In the past couple of years, the smartphone industry has witnessed growth at an increasing rate in terms of offering options that are not only budget friendly but also have great looks and performance. Stylish smartphones that…

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National Poker Series India draws to a close with record participation

·         Players from across Metros and tier 2 cities ace the competition  ·         Vikram Mishra from Darbhanga, Bihar claimed the top spot on the NPS podium ·         Rise of more than 25% in the total number of entries received from 96,000 to over 1.25 Lacs in 2023 ·         The tournament registers a surge of 33%…

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WinZO launches Cybersecurity Program to build open source technologies to tackle cyber vulnerabilities

●      There was an 8% spike in cybercrime in Asia Pacific Regions in 2021. ●      This program is aimed at developing freely accessible tools & resources for our Nation that are needed to defend against threats that can disrupt, destroy, or threaten the delivery of essential services ●      Globally, 3.5 million cybersecurity jobs are available…

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Children from all Delhi Schools participate in the ongoing 99 Challenge organized by C20 Working Group on Integrated Holistic Health

All schools in Delhi, both public and private, are participating in a unique 9-9-9 challenge organized by the C20 Working Group on Integrated Holistic Health – Mind, Body, Environment, in association with Delhi Government’s Directorate of Education (GNCTD). The 9-9-9 Challenge, which stands for “9 SURYA NAMASKARS, 9 MINS OF MEDITATION, 9 DAYS,” began on…

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